Saturday 19 December 2015

mami and her bitwa


sometimes you just got to miss mami. has anyone been more bizarre and chaotic... but life is bland and boring without someone such as her. what am i saying. there's no one quite like her. her bitwa i get the feeling has a penchant for weird women. that look on his face as she gets up to her first rate english and super sharp observations... he's cool and she to the conventional mind, is not. but bitwa knows better. a rather sweet amused love for mami and a genuinely mystified air about him, two pretty damn neat actors getting into a lovely vibe. some day must think about why arnav singh raizada likes offbeat sanka touched women who ring their own spin to survival of the fittest.

oh and i like mami's keeping up with the times... at first i was crestfallen at the lack of bright yellow gold and banarasi/paithani/kanjeevaram saree. then i realised, mami has modernized... it's the diamondia pearl look now. uff sophisticassun.

also, now boutiquewa saree, not tradissunal, haye. plus she is a businesswoman herself, with free "google" with purchase offer.

mami... you are an entire "issting operassun" only.

hello hi bye bye.


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